1st Annual BassNJ.com Fall Brawl Open Buddy Series


Staff member
Happy to announce the first annual BassNJ Fall Brawl Point Series.

The series will include 2 Central Jersey lakes and 2 South Jersey Lakes. Hopefully, this will get some bragging rights going for North VS Central VS South. I know the 2 lakes are Central, but most in North NJ have fished these lakes before.


10/7/17 - Carnegie Lake
10/14/17 - Newton Lake
10/22/17 - Manasquan Reservoir
10/28/17 - Rainbow Lake

7am - 3pm (Registration @5:00am)

Buddy or Solo
$100 Buy-In - Includes $10 Lunker

80% Payout - 1st (55%), 2nd (35%), 3rd (10%) & Lunker
7% Bonus Towards Season Point Winner - Refer to BassNJ's Point System - (All points will stay with boaters in the case that co-angler can not make tournament)

BassNJ Fall Brawl Points.jpg
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Bummer...no, you don't have to fish all of them. They are all open to anyone to fish. Just the more you fish, the more points you accumulate for the bonus at the end.
Thought your classic was at the Squan, but at Candlewoood so will have to leave it. Five Alive owns November so no real room.